Commercial RE Appraisal Changes

Did you know? On April 9, 2018, the FDIC changed their rules.  Per the federal agencies, commercial real estate transactions below $500,000 will no longer be required to have an appraisal.

Remember, just because the FDIC doesn’t require something… that doesn’t mean your local lender or bank won’t.

Want to read the full rules?  Check them out here.

If you need help getting prepared for your next investment or business purchase, give us a call.

Jen Hudson

(206) 293-1005 or

Duane Petzoldt

(425) 239-1780 or

When the Walls are Closing In (based on a true story). By Jen Hudson.

You know when you run across those feel good moments and you realize why you’re really doing something? Recently, I had one of those moments again, and it made my day.

A couple months ago, I had a client call me.  To protect the innocent, let’s call him Joe.  The walls were closing in on him, and he had just gotten Continue reading “When the Walls are Closing In (based on a true story). By Jen Hudson.”

How to Be a Savvy Loan Shopper

Be a Savvy Loan Shopper… by Jen Hudson, GRI


When buying a car, you want go out and compare the best deals available, right?  If you find a car that is a “steal,” then you know you should look a little closer at the details and ask why.  Are they offering a warranty, a dealer incentive or maybe you are trading something else in.  Would you agree that these different details could drastically impact your final sales price?

Well, the same principal applies when shopping for a home loan.  You certainly don’t want to wind up with a lemon, so learn to be a savvy shopper.  Here are some tips and common mistakes people make when shopping for a home loan. Continue reading “How to Be a Savvy Loan Shopper”